HELLO.. i'm back to blog wif some random pictures. ;] fall a sick for the past few days, haiz.. AND now i still having heavy flu, any time i might lose my voice.. ;[ sian.. u all cant hear any sweet gal talking already.. hahaa. i will try to recover my sweet voice asap.. no worries.. i fall a sick and i stil went to sing top1 on sat.. hahaa.. power man... didnt manage to sing well for some song... super sian.. like that how to become singer? ahaha. joking la. my ambition now is not to become a singer.. that is a better occupation for me to target on. so what is that job??? i have no idea yet.. HAHAHAA.. been doing some quiz from facebook.. some really very true, but for some future stuff, i not very sure whether issit true a not. if it is true.. everybody please prepare ur hongbao ready!! coz i going to engaged next year.. HAHAA. anyway 2 weeks holiday coming soon.. after this week.. OMG... but after that will be common test!!! think there will be 1 or 2 common test.. hopefully the date will be few days away.. so i can prepare well ;] but recently i found that i'm lazy of studying. seriously.. i still like to play ard, slack ard.. HAIZ.. like that how to do well??? last year already.. i hope i really can buck up myself.. FRIENDS!! please wake me up... i dun wan to have any regret after seeing through the result.. hahaa. thats it...
The schedule for this week:
Mon - ICT infrast virt presentation
Tue - RBNDI Quiz (Chapter 1,2,3,4.1) Multiple choice 10-12 Qns
Wed - NSS equiz (every wed if nothing goes wrong), BBWAN labtest
Thurs - RBNDI LabTest, Mock Interview (interviewee, Interviewer) formal wear ;[ ***SUPER SCARY*** ,
work after tat 630-1030
Fri - Outing wif miniegg, kok kok birthday...
Sat - Out wif qiqi , got appointment
Sun - working, 12-10

at orchard central (new shopping centre) new tonkichi outlet at level 7.. guys, please go and eat.. is super DELICIOUS.. available for indoor or outdoor, but for outdoor is SUPER hot.. so think twice before choosing outdoor. but the picture shown above is located at the B1 toilet.. HAHA..not the restaurant.. nv manage to take picture..


er, this is the outdoor for tonkichi at orchard centre, beside somerset MRT.

the gal who always like to pull my ear.. ;[ and the only one who coz me to bleed and swollen.. she is very violent de.. ;[

inside TOP1

my buddy who always tag team to sing together.. hahaas. we sing great ok..

M1 presentation

my team member



yang bought this bear.. but not for me ;[

red is nice.. isnt it?

i love myself ;] but sometimes i hate myself too.. no reason.. i'm weird. ;]
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