MON(today)-at home slack, watch tv
TUE- mind cafe wif miniegg, SIS no off!!
WED-at home slack, watch tv
THURS-at home slack, watch tv
FRI- maybe out wif chen? not confirm
SAT- work nite shift only
OMG.. my life... are shit.... ppl please ask me out.. SINGING, EATING, CHATTING, SHOPPING most importantly... MAHJONG.. LOLS..
who wan a kiss from me?
my niece and me...
i asked her to POSE. lols
lazy EYE.. omg..
she got my gene... LOLS>.
wad happen to my eye..? something pass by? LOLS.. shy "en en" & me
my er jie and en en
en en small bro... "an an" He loves to give me carry.. hahaa. he always sleep soundly when i carry him.. hahaa. i have a nick name.. 小奶妈... hahaa.. COOL..
LOOK.. we got same gene.. HAHA.. no la.. i told her to pose like this.. lols.
my usual POSE..
i look sweet isn't it.? haha i noe some of them are vomitting now.. LOLS>
my mum and me.. she dun have pose de.. and she dun even smile at camera.. proved by XL.. lols.
at my cousin wedding..
this biscuit is super nice.. 4 pieces for 2.50... so x.. is CANELE.. i love it..
at shokudo... having lunch cum dinner wif ming.. thanks for her treat.. my last yr brithday treat.. ;[ i have to wait for few months than i have my present. lols.
cold ramen that i prepare myself.. lols..
suki sushi wif hoyeh and kim... we ate alot...
cute cute me.. hahaa
wif my hair perm...
POR SEE GIM... 9 years frenz.. member of miniegg..!!
ONG SHI YING... member of miniegg too!! she juz cut her hair.. she going to be cisco security guard.. lols. hope she will succeed..
look at the twist... obviously is not my hand.. hahaa.. only my close frenz noe that my hand is long and skinny.. fatty hand like this definitely nt mine.. hahaa.. going to kill by her already.. lols.
this twist is done by my hand.. hahaa.
anyway i went to watch confession of shopaholic wif ming and gim, me and gim waited few hours for ming while she having sweet dinner wif her poly frenz.. ;[ me and gim crap for few hours.. laugh alot man.. then she keep on laughing and disturb me.. i do disturb her as well.. hahaa.. saw siang jun... unlike last time tom boy tom boy style.. now she dont play bball already somemore teaching kindergarden kids.. hahaa.. after that cab home.. reach home 230... sat work 11.. so i cant sleep much.. work till 4.. meet the ying and gim at bugis control... have dinner at MOF.. haha. dessert is so delicious..waited for few hours as well.. for time to past.. coz we going to sing from 11pm to 5am... again.. becoz of TAN MING LEE... haiz... after that ying cousin leave early so left me, gim, ming, ying and row... again... i work 12... so i dun have much time to sleep as well... ;[ and i work full shift.. but thanks to pat... for treating me, hoyeh and da tonkichi set.. hahaa.. and is taichen last day.. hope he can work well as a cashier at taka... that's all... i going to sleep already.. NITEY...